Green Graphic Design links theory with practice and charts the next BIG THING for the graphic design profession. This book is a must read for designers who want to stay relevant in one of the most significant design opportunities of the 21st century.
– CLEMENT MOK, Designer, Entrepreneur, AIGA medalist
Green Graphic Design is an excellent compendium for designers who want to ‘do the right thing.’ It pulls everything together and gives a great overview of the relevant issues and what one, personally, can do to make a difference. We can all benefit from this new, important resource.
– BILL CAHAN, Founder, Cahan & Associates
A powerful guide to navigating the acute challenges of creating truly green identities.
A must read for would-be green graphic artists, art directors, and even marketers.
– JACQUIE OTTMAN, President, J. Ottman Consulting, Inc., and author of Green Marketing: Opportunity for Innovation
It is a fabulous book…
it hits the needs of the profession head on and spot on.
– RIC GREFE, Executive Director, AIGA, The Professional Association for Design
Green Graphic Design, a great resource for designers wanting to
practice their craft sustainably.
– JADE-SNOW CARROLL, Managing Editor, Design Observer